Preparation of technical and transport infrastructure for industrial zone Nošovice. This Project dealt with design and engineering activities related to the issues of temporary facilities, grade levelling for the purpose of zone transport service (in amount of approx. 0.6 mil. m3), zone connection to transport infrastructure, bypass road, railway siding for industrial zone, storm water retention and drainage (DN 300–1800), incl. draw-down of ground water level, potable and industrial water supply, sewage and industrial waste water discharge, incl. reconstruction of sewerage manhole in length of 4.6 km, connection to natural gas, incl. HP-MP gas reducing station, area connection to power supply (50 MW).
Industrial Zone Nošovice (Car Factory Hyundai) – Zone Preparation and Infrastructure
Year of Implementation
Civil and Residential Structures and Infrastructure
Moravskoslezský kraj, Ostrava, CZ
Design Documentation for Planning Permit, Screening Process in Compliance with Act No. 100/2001 Coll. (EIA) Design Documenatation for Building Permit, Engineering Activities, Design Documentation for Vendors Selection, Design supervision