Adaptation of Existing Foundation for Hammers KHZ 8 and KHZ 4
Reconstruction of Forging Line
Evaluation of the Valašská Senice Town Zoning Plan Influence on the Sustainable Development of the Territory
Ing. arch. Jiří Ludík, Fryšták, CZ
Evaluation of the Napajedla Town Zoning Plan Influence on the Sustainable Development of the Territory
Urbanistický ateliér Zlín, s.r.o., CZ
Relocation of Motor Block Components Machining Shop
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Machine Technology of Test Condition No. 9
PBS Turbo s. r. o., Velká Bíteš, CZ
Logistics Training Center
B.P.B.P. organizační složka, Kosmonosy, CZ
Civil Adaptation of Welding Shop, incl. Engineering Facilities
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Municipal Waste Unloading Station within the Area of Waste Sorting Line
.A.S.A., spol. s r.o., Praha, CZ
Pressing and Extraction of Rape-seed Oil
PROFIMONT a.s., Hradec Králové, CZ
Extension of Production Capacities in Forging Shop Chrudim
HP Off-gas Utilization – Hydrogen Production
PARAMO, a.s., Pardubice, CZ
IPPC Documentation for Press Shop
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Extension of Press Shop M12
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Demolice objektu Lihovar
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Kvasiny Plant Connection to Cogeneration Units
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Adaptation of the Plant Heat Supply System
ZEVETA Bojkovice, a.s., CZ
Machining Line Placement into the Existing Hall
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Dolní náměstí in Olomouc - Complete reconstruction of engineering networks, transport part of the project
Statutární město Olomouc, CZ
New Experimental Hall of the Research Centre
Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o., Řež, CZ
Reconstruction and Extension of University CARLA Centre
Masarykova univerzita, Brno, CZ
Evaluation of the Valašské Meziřící Zoning Plan Impact on the Sustainable Development of the Territory
Město Valašské Meziříčí, CZ
Gas Supply and Exchanger Station Transformation into a Gas Boiler Room
VOP-026 Šternberk, s.p., Šternberk, CZ
SUPERCLAUS – Upgrade of Claus Plants – Portugal
Jacobs België N.V., BE